Our Services

A team of experts

We are to help you

Our commitment

At Dupouy & Méndez we seek to provide solutions and advice on the different areas of interest that our clients may have, that is why we have a team of expert specialists who will advise you on everything you need.

Corporate Law

D&M provides advise to all kinds of national and foreign clients, in order to help them take correct and timely decisions when developing and executing their activities. The services that we provide in this area, are: Corporate formation and their corresponding modifications, shareholders’ covenants, board of directors sessions, shareholders’ meetings, divisions, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), management and capital expenditures, creation of trade agreements and all sorts of contracts to fulfill the desired objectives.

In the fields of corporate restructuring and modifications, D&M stands out because we always search the best strategy for our clients to achieve their plans.

Interational Trade and Foreign Investment

We have the experience and knowledge required to provide out clients advise in subject matters such as foreign trade, customs legislation and tax exemptions, as well as any other subject related to exports and imports. In this line of considerations, it is worth noting that our services are aimed to ease the creation, implementation and development processes of any sort of project for any foreign client that decides to settle in Chile, applying the regulations and benefits of the bilateral and multilateral free trade and/or double taxation treaties that Chile has entered into.

Finance & Administration

D&M is supported by a Finance & Administration Department, which is dedicated to handling third-party business administration. Our services include everything from a business start-up statement before the Internal Revenue Service to checking-account management, elaboration of sales documents, vendor payments, remuneration and social security payments, tax payments (Form 29 and 50) and factoring proceedings.

Tax Law

D&M assists its clients in tax matters, applicable to company restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, tax issues concerning foreign companies that want to invest in Chile and natural persons taxation.

D&M creates efficient legal structures regarding taxation, so that our clients can plan their investment in every step of the formation, acquisition, merger and liquidation of companies. Alongside the defense of their interests before the Tax and Customs Courts of Chile.

The lawyers at D&M are familiarized with the double taxation treaties that Chile has entered into, which allows us to provide thorough advise to national clients who invest abroad and to foreign clients with investments in our country.



Project Financing & Financial Restructuring

It is important to point out that D&M provides consultancy to its clients regarding financing, in order to settle their projects through different structures, which can be, only debt or a combination of capital and debt.


Energy, Narutal Resources & Enviroment

D&M assists all those who want to invest in the mining, fishing, forest, agriculture, electric, technological, among other industries, orienting and helping our clients to establish their projects in our country.




It is worth noting that, in this area, our firm has a team of lawyers that are specialists in mining law and have extensive experience advising national and foreign companies in this business. We support our clients in various topics, such as, filing exploration and mining (exploitation) concessions, establishment of voluntary or judicial mining easements, formation of contractual or legal mining companies, among other structure varieties, allowing your business to gain added value with transparency and sustainability.

We have what you seek

Other Services

Our experts ensure the delivery of the best and most professional advice your organization needs.

D&M assists national or foreign clients that are interested in participating in any type of real estate or construction projects, in strict compliance with the current regulations.

D&M assists in all kinds of subject matters related to the aeronautical industry and air transport, due to our absolute knowledge of the Chilean regulations in these issues, the applicable international conventions, the inscription and register procedures for aircrafts, the aviation regulations applied to airline companies, operators and air license holders, among others.

D&M offers its clients advice, assistance and legal representation before the Courts of Justice, regarding commercial, civil, labor, bankruptcy, tax, administrative and arbitration matters. Likewise, we are capable of participating in all kinds of mediation proceedings, settlements and alternative dispute resolution methods.

D&M assists its clients and carries out the process of trademark registering and monitoring. We also represent our clients in any trademark, domain name or copyright litigation, looking after their interests through opposition in case of third-party applications, annulment proceedings, legal actions and filing complaints for copyright and industrial property infringements.

In D&M assists our clients in the elaboration of employment contracts and service agreements templates; drafting of contract termination letters and the subsequent calculation of the severance package; social security and tax aspects of the remuneration; analysis, review and elaboration of agreements between the company and their contractors, in light of the new Labor under Subcontracting Regime Law; elaboration of order, hygiene and safety internal rules; formation of joint committees; and the representation of the company before the administrative and judicial authority in all the proceedings contemplated in the Labor Code.


We know that family offices are, in Chile and throughout the world, the origin of businesses, that is why it is important to generate a series of procedures and legal protocols that allow a family office to be persistent and viable in time. Therefore, a variety of agreements must be made between the members and also with third parties, in order to achieve a communication and consent model in the decision making, regulating the relationship between the family members.

We’re here to help you

Any Doubt?

You can contact us directly at our Whatsapp or leave us a message that we will reply to you shortly.


Bajadoz 45, piso 17, Las Condes, Santiago.

